Guitar Playing Tips

Learn Songs You Enjoy

Is Learning Songs a Good Way to Learn Guitar?

Learning to play guitar can be a challenging yet rewarding experience, and there are countless methods and techniques that aspiring guitarists can use to improve their skills. One approach that many people have taken is to learn songs as a way of developing their playing ability. In this article, we’ll explore whether learning songs is a good way to learn guitar, and examine the pros and cons of this approach.

Firstly, let’s consider the benefits of learning songs as a way of learning guitar. One of the main advantages of this approach is that it can be highly motivating. When you learn a song that you love, it can be incredibly satisfying to be able to play it well. This sense of achievement can spur you on to keep practicing and improving your skills, which can help you progress more quickly than if you were simply practicing scales or other exercises.

Learning songs can also help you to develop a range of different techniques and playing styles. By working through different songs, you’ll encounter different chord progressions, strumming patterns, fingerpicking techniques, and more. This can help you to build a solid foundation of guitar skills that you can draw upon when playing other songs or writing your own music.

Another benefit of learning songs is that it can be a more enjoyable way to learn guitar than some other methods. While practicing scales and exercises can be important for developing your technique, it can also be somewhat repetitive and boring. Learning songs, on the other hand, can be a fun and engaging way to improve your skills, as you get to play real music that you enjoy.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to learning songs as a way of learning guitar. One of the main issues is that it can be easy to fall into the trap of simply learning how to play a song without truly understanding what you’re doing. When you’re focused on getting the chords and melody right, it can be easy to overlook the underlying theory and technique that is required to play the song well. This can limit your overall progress, as you may struggle when attempting to play other songs or improvising.

Another potential issue with learning songs is that it can be hard to know where to start. There are countless songs out there, and it can be overwhelming to decide which ones to learn. Additionally, some songs may be too difficult for a beginner to play, while others may be too simplistic to offer a meaningful challenge. Finally, there is the issue of copyright law. While it is certainly possible to learn and play songs that you hear on the radio or online, it’s important to remember that many songs are protected by copyright. This means that if you want to record or distribute a cover of a copyrighted song, you may need to obtain permission from the original songwriter or their publisher.

So, is learning songs a good way to learn guitar? The answer is that it depends on your goals and learning style. If you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to improve your skills, then learning songs can be an effective approach. However, if you’re looking to develop a deep understanding of music theory and technique, you may want to supplement your song learning with other methods, such as practicing scales, learning music theory, or working with a teacher or mentor.

If you do decide to learn songs as a way of learning guitar, there are a few tips that can help you get the most out of the process. Firstly, start with songs that are within your skill level. Don’t try to tackle complex pieces if you’re just starting out, as this can be frustrating and demotivating. Instead, choose songs that are simple and easy to play, and gradually work your way up to more challenging material.

Secondly, pay attention to the technique and theory behind the songs you’re learning. Don’t just memorize the chords and melody – take the time to understand why they work together and how they fit into the overall structure of the song. This will help you to develop a deeper understanding of music theory, and will also make it easier to apply what you’ve learned to other songs in the future.

Another tip is to use resources like tablature or chord charts to help you learn the songs more quickly and accurately. These resources can be found online or in guitar books, and can provide a useful reference as you work through the song. However, it’s important to remember that these resources should be used as a guide, and not as a crutch. Try to learn the song by ear as much as possible, as this will help you to develop your ear training and improve your overall musicianship.

Learning songs can be a great way to learn guitar, as it can be motivating, enjoyable, and can help you to develop a range of different techniques and playing styles. However, it’s important to remember that this approach has its limitations, and that it’s important to supplement your song learning with other methods if you want to develop a deep understanding of music theory and technique. By using resources like tablature, paying attention to the theory and technique behind the songs, and experimenting with your own variations, you can get the most out of your song learning and develop your guitar skills to their fullest potential.